Offenbach (dpa / lrs) – The weather in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland starts the new week with sometimes stormy gusts. This was announced by the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach on Sunday. With maximum temperatures between 12 and 16 degrees, the sky on Monday will be cloudy to heavily clouded, with a few showers. Brief thunderstorms are also possible. In addition, stronger winds are blowing, stormy gusts are possible in the mountains.
According to the forecast, it can rain from dense clouds on Tuesday night, and there could also be occasional thunderstorms. The temperatures cool down to six to zero degrees. According to the meteorologists, the weather will remain mostly cloudy on Tuesday, with showers or shower-like rain here and there. The maximum values are between nine and twelve degrees – with a weak to moderate north-west wind.
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