The fridge
If you want to defrost something in the fridge, it is important to estimate how much time it will need. Suppose you want to defrost half a kilo of minced meat, then you can count on it that this will certainly take a day. Also keep in mind that 4 degrees Celsius is the best temperature to defrost something and that a refrigerator is not always equally cold in all places. After the product has thawed, you can store it in the refrigerator for one or two days before preparing it. You can store a piece of red meat for a few days longer.
In the magnetron
Are you planning to defrost something in the microwave? Then make sure that you cook the meat product immediately after defrosting. It may already be partially cooked and the food has reached the temperature at which bacteria can grow. Also note that, with large pieces of meat, the outside defrosts faster than the inside. Does your microwave have a defrost setting? Then that is the best option! If you don’t have one, always use the lowest setting.
In ice water
The safest way to thaw meat is in ice water. In addition, it is also faster than the refrigerator method, it just needs a little more attention.
Immerse the piece of meat in an airtight container, such as a freezer bag, in a bowl of cold (ice) water and put it in the refrigerator. Make sure that the packaging does not leak because bacteria can then reach the meat and choose never for hot water. Monitor the temperature of the water and replace or add fresh ice as soon as the temperature starts to rise. Also with this method, the thawing time depends on the size of the frozen product, but often the meat is thawed in a few hours.
NB! It is therefore never a good idea to leave a thawed piece of meat at room temperature. These temperatures are ideal for bacteria to grow. Therefore, never defrost a piece of meat with warm temperatures!
2023-04-22 18:18:18
#Defrosting #meat #quickly #safely