Streamer Eugene Sh4dowehhh Alekseev shared his opinion on patch 7.33 for Dota 2. On his personal Telegram channel, he also talked about teleports between the sidelines and suggested a variant of their weakening.
Published with the spelling and punctuation of the source preserved
Patch 7.33 for Dota 2 was released on the night of April 21st. With it, the game developers expanded the map and added new objects to it, among which were teleports that allow you to instantly move between the sidelines. In addition, the Valve studio revised the balance of heroes and artifacts, and also introduced new mechanics. You can read the full list of changes in the material, and find out the opinion of other figures in the eSports scene about the update in a special section on
2023-04-21 11:59:00
#Sh4dowehhh #shared #opinion #patch #Dota