Enoch, Shin Sung, Son Tae-jin. Photo ㅣNew Era Project
‘The 1st Burning Trotman’ starts unit activities.
The New Era Project said on the 21st, “We plan to form a project team to maximize cooperation and synergy through the abilities of ‘Burning Trotman’ TOP7 (Son Tae-jin, Shin Sung, Min Soo-hyun, Kim Joong-yeon, Park Min-soo, Kong Hoon, Enoch).” .
The unit composed of Son Tae-jin, Shin Sung, and Enoch plans to introduce K-trot to the world through musical convergence of classical trot, traditional trot, and musical. Min Soo-hyun, Kim Joong-yeon, Park Min-soo, and Kong-hoon contribute to the diversification of trot music through the meeting of K-pop and trot.
‘Burning Trotman’ TOP7 plans to enrich the trot music ecosystem through the fusion of music and emotions of various genres through unit activities.
As a result, music fans are curious about the new charm that the ‘Burning Trotman’ TOP7 will show as a unit activity.
The ‘Burning Trotman’ TOP7 is meeting with fans through various broadcasts and contents, including MBN’s ‘Burning Roses’ and ‘When the Roses Bloom’.
[진향희 스타투데이 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]