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“Germany Offers Free Organ Donor Tattoos to Increase Donation Rates”

Hand in hand with an exciting campaign in Germany, free tattoos are being made for those who declare themselves voluntary organ donors: it is a tattoo that has been designed by the famous Berlin tattoo artist Gara with a geometric and minimalist style. The idea was to create a design that was easily recognizable, scalable and could be reproduced by other artists. Will he be able to cross borders?

Germany promotes a campaign of free tattoos for those who declare themselves voluntary organ donors

Under the name #OPTINK, in Germany they have created a free tattoo that makes you one of the many organ donors. To tell the truth, the tattoo would be a last instance in the consent process: that is, the stage of externalizing such decision. The initiative is to turn the normal tattoo consent form into an organ donation consent form, making #OPTINK act as explicit proof of willingness to donate.

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Why did this campaign arise? Curiously, although 84% of German citizens declare themselves willing to donate their organs, the real number of voluntary organ donors only reaches 0.001% of the population. Consequently, Germany ranks among the countries with the lowest donation rates in Europe, largely because there is no “opt-out” legislation, it is an “opt-in” country.

As an effect of the absence of legislation, there is also no national registry of organ donors and that current law requires people to explicitly demonstrate their consent to donate. A free tattoo could mean a symbolic gesture in the face of this problem: McCann and the NGO Junge Helden have found a very interesting solution to solve this concern.

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