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“Easter Triggers Surge in Covid-19 Cases, Experts Warn of Potential New Wave”

Easter has triggered infectivity by Covid-19, reaching 2,000 cases per 100,000, a value that according to experts could become a new wave. The sudden increase in infectivity could be associated with the emergence of a new variant whose impact must be analyzed. It’s not discarded …

Easter has triggered infectivity by Covid-19, reaching 2,000 cases per 100,000, a value that according to experts could become a new wave. The sudden increase in infectivity could be associated with the emergence of a new variant whose impact must be analyzed. It is not ruled out that an update of the collective protection measures is necessary. The COVID-LOT program of the Complutense University of Madrid exceeds the 150,000 samples analyzed in recent analyses.

The Complutense ANTICIPA-COVID19 Observatory, which monitors infectivity by Covid-19, had registered a stabilization in sustained values ​​during the weeks prior to the holidays around 800 cases detected per 100,000 in 14 days.

The Complutense ANTICIPA-COVID19 Observatory continues to obtain and offer data on Covid infectivity from the routine analyzes that continue to be carried out on a weekly basis among the University staff. At the end of March of this year 2023, the COVID-LOT Program of this Observatory exceeded 150,000 different samples analyzed by RT-PCR in saliva for the quantitative detection of the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This continues to allow permanent monitoring of the evolution of Covid infectivity in the Community of Madrid. As the data obtained over more than two years have shown, the University staff turns out to be a good “probe” of the state of infectivity, as they represent a large population distributed throughout the entire geography of the Community.

The analyzes of the ANTICIPA-COVID19 Observatory carried out in 2023 had allowed us to observe a relative stagnation of infectivity Covid around a rate that never dropped below 800 cases per 100,000 people tested. This was a much higher basal situation than that observed after the end of other previous waves of high infectivity, without it being possible to establish whether this rate indicated a state of limited but significant infectivity, which remained active in a sustained manner due to infection of a fraction. population with relatively less protection.

However, the last week of analysis, after the holiday interruption for Easter, has revealed a new shot of infectivity up to more than 2,000 cases per 100,000 analyzed that must be followed in the coming weeks to confirm if it is an upward trend. caused by the irruption of new infective capacities, or if it results from a fluctuation derived from the increase in collective leisure activities and family gatherings.

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