Home » Health » Miguel Bose’s Anti-Vaccine Stance and Relationship Drama Unveiled in Interview with Mercedes Milá

Miguel Bose’s Anti-Vaccine Stance and Relationship Drama Unveiled in Interview with Mercedes Milá

Miguel Bose He continues erre that erre with his everlasting fight over the issue of vaccines. His denialist position taken to the highest point brought him many problems and it has been with Mercedes Milá when it has definitively exploded and he has released everything he thinks about that matter.

has been in the of the program ‘Milá vs Milá’ en Movistar+ where the singer has told what he thought of everything and how they all turned against him. Something that he will not forgive according to his words. AND has clearly pointed out.

In fact, it’s gone against the current government. “I will never forgive them, neither the government nor the pressthe attacks that were made to me at the moment in which youI took a position that I thought I could freely take“, he pointed out painfully.

To all this, his own Bosé added: “It hurt me a lot: professional, human and social”.

It was when Mercedes Milá entered the matter. “You went from being an adored man to losing a lot of points,” he comments. the host. And Bosé blurts out: “The mistake they made was that of wanting to sink the people who thought like that. Over time, people have realized that what I announced at the time is happening.”

Point of tension between Bosé and Milá: “Don’t overwhelm me, Miguel”

“What’s going on?” Milá asks. “After so many years we are not going to discuss, Mercedes. The issue of vaccines. The tachycardia, the clots, the cancers that are taking place. This is known and covered. There are a lot of people with vested interests.. Pharmaceuticals, above all, are companies created to do business with us, “explains the singer, again influencing his anti-vaccination position. It is when Milá quickly enters to cut off the speech of his guest: “Don’t overwhelm me, Miguel”

Bosé talks about his relationship with Nacho Palau

Bosé has also spoken in the first person about Nacho Palau with whom he lived for two decades. “I have always had a relationship with Nacho. We’ve always talked to each other, but there were a lot of tensions because he uncovered all that discreet thing that we had built. He went public and it was very ugly. He did with the part of him what he saw fit. In that spite he spoke more than necessary. Which he now regrets a lot,” he says.

I’m not spiteful. I love him very much, I wish him the best. She has a fantastic partner now. I am grateful that you have found this love because you deserve it. Cristian is a golden boy. My children adore him “, he confesses regarding Nacho’s new relationship.

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