Home » Health » Partial Solar Eclipse to Occur in Indonesia, Except for Aceh Province

Partial Solar Eclipse to Occur in Indonesia, Except for Aceh Province

TRIBUN-MEDAN.com, MEDAN – The phenomenon of a partial solar eclipse will occur in all regions in Indonesia except for Aceh province.

The five districts in Aceh Province cannot witness the Partial Solar Eclipse.

The five districts of Aceh Province that cannot witness the Partial Solar Eclipse include Sabang City, Banda Aceh City, Aceh Jaya District, Aceh Besar District, Pidie District.

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Meanwhile, other regions can witness the Partial Solar Eclipse at different times.

Other areas will experience a partial solar eclipse on the same date, however, the time varies in each region in Indonesia.

The process for the occurrence of a partial solar eclipse begins with the same phase as a total solar eclipse.

The process starts when the first contact occurs, namely when the disk of the Moon begins to cover the disk of the Sun.

Over time, the eclipsed disk of the Sun will get bigger and bigger until eventually the entire Moon begins to cover the Sun’s disk.

When this event occurs it is called the Second Contact and will end when the entire disk of the Moon last covers the disk of the Sun, which is during the Third Contact.

The time from the Second Contact to the Third Contact is referred to as Total Duration or Total Phase, which varies from city to city.

It’s just that during a Partial Solar Eclipse, Second Contact and Third Contact are not visible in the Partial Solar Eclipse areas.

In the area to the north of the total path, the eclipsed sun at the peak of the eclipse is at the top.

Meanwhile in the area to the south of the total path, the sun that is eclipsed at the peak of the eclipse is the lower part.

As for the region, the Partial Solar Eclipse will occur at the following locations, among others

Also read: After Ramadan, Hybrid Solar Eclipse Will Appear, People Are Asked To See Using Aids

Source: Medan Tribune

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