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The Surprising Benefits of Catfish for Your Health

Catfish has many benefits for the body. Photos/Shutterstock

JAKARTA – Catfish is a type of freshwater fish that is widely cultivated and processed into food. Although the price is quite cheap, however catfish still has many benefits for the body.

In addition, the way of presentation is easy and the price is affordable, so it is in demand by many people. Interestingly, the catfish is one of the oldest fish species and is widely distributed throughout. This is due to the catfish’s ability to adapt well to its environment.

Then anything benefit catfish? The following is a full review, reported from various sources, Friday (14/4/2023).

1. Source of Lean Protein

Protein is one of the main sources of energy for the diet. Protein functions to build and repair tissue and muscle, and serves as a building block for many hormones, enzymes, and other molecules.

There are 105 calories in 100 grams of catfish. Catfish is a source of nutrient-dense protein and can help lose weight because it makes you feel fuller for longer.

2. Maintain Brain Health

Catfish contains omega-3 fatty acids which tend to be high compared to other foods.

One of the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids is their role in brain health. It also helps treat neurological and mental conditions, as well as memory loss. However, these health benefits still need further research.

3. Prevent Anemia

The high content of vitamin B12 in catfish serves to prevent anemia. Besides that, it can also be a healthy menu choice for people with anemia. However, further research regarding the benefits of catfish for anemia still needs to be done.

4. Maintain Heart Health

The content of omega-3 in catfish is known to be beneficial for heart health, and reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by the body. Therefore an alternative to get this nutrient source is to eat catfish.

5. Maintain Healthy Cells and Tissues

Catfish has protein in it. Consuming protein every day can maintain the health of cells and body tissues. Disruption of cells and tissues in the body can cause impaired body function.


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