Jakarta –
The Central Board of the Republic of Indonesia Catholic Student Association (PP PMKRI) reported the leader KPK to the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) to Bareskrim Polri. the report is related to the alleged leak of corruption investigation files within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).
“So today we are from PP PMKRI, we visited the KPK institution, the KPK Building with the agenda of reporting the KPK leadership for alleged violations of the code of ethics. We visited three agencies, apart from the KPK to the Dewas, we visited Bareskrim Mabes Polri and Polda Metro Jaya. ,” said the Presidium of the PP PMKRI Community Movement, Billy Claudio, to journalists, Thursday (13/4/2023).
“The background is a matter related to leaks of documents investigating alleged corruption in performance allowances for the 2020-2022 fiscal year within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,” Billy continued.
“We will continue to monitor this case so that it can be processed immediately, so that the independence and public trust in the KPK is maintained. This is a serious challenge for us, as a student organization, in supporting efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia,” said Billy.
Billy admits that he is concerned about the condition of the KPK, which has experienced a decline every year in terms of public trust. “In various surveys, the level of public trust in the KPK itself has decreased every year,” Billy continued.
He then gave a written statement regarding the reporting of the leadership KPK Today. Billy explained PMKRI’s report to the KPK Dewas regarding alleged violations of the code of ethics.
“PMKRI’s visit to this anti-corruption agency is to report the KPK leadership for alleged violations of the code of ethics,” said Billy.
“It was suspected that the leak of this document was carried out by unscrupulous KPK leaders to parties in litigation or who were the object of examination of alleged corruption within the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,” he continued.
See the response from the KPK leadership on the next page.