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“The Surprising Health Benefits of Cassava Leaves: Boosting Stamina and Immune System”

LIFESTYLE, www.wowbabel.com – It turns out that not only cassava can be processed into delicious snacks, but there are many benefits from cassava leaves.

Cassava leaves also have a myriad of benefits that are good for the health of the body where the benefits are unexpected but not many people know about it.

As for how to process cassava leaves for consumption, it is also relatively easy where in general cassava leaves only need to be boiled in hot water before consumption.

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Cassava leaves have many nutrients needed by the body, so it’s no wonder cassava leaves have many health benefits.

Cassava leaves contain vitamins, proteins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Protein contained in cassava leaves helps the formation of body cells and the building blocks of enzyme systems.

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In addition, there are many nutrients and various other benefits.

Launching from Health Benefits Time, the following are the benefits of cassava leaves for health in the month of Ramadan, including;

1 Increases Stamina

Consuming cassava leaves is also believed to be able to increase stamina and endurance, especially during the month of Ramadan

To get these properties, mix 25 grams of kencur, 100 grams of cassava and 5 seeds of angco/dates with enough water to help increase stamina.

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2. Improves the Immune System

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