Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 03:15 WIB
Dita Sekar Sari / DITA
Jakarta, It is recommended to carry out sahur before fasting in Ramadan. However, for people who have high cholesterol, it is better to choose pre-dawn foods that do not increase their cholesterol levels. This is the breakfast menu for cholesterol sufferers.
Causes of High Cholesterol
In short, cholesterol is a fat produced by the body and also comes from animal foods. The benefits of cholesterol are that it helps the body produce vitamin D, a number of hormones, and also bile acids to digest fat.
Cholesterol at the appropriate level is needed by the body to help build new cells so that the body can continue to function normally. However, this will be different if the cholesterol in the blood exceeds normal levels.
There are various causes that can increase cholesterol levels, including smoking, often eating fatty foods, rarely exercising, and consuming alcohol excessively.
High cholesterol can also be caused by genetic factors passed down from parents. This gene mutation can make the body get rid of cholesterol in the blood. However, high cholesterol due to genetic conditions is rare when compared to other factors.
Some of the risks that can occur due to high cholesterol are serious illnesses such as heart disease and stroke. In order not to develop a serious illness, it is better to eat foods that can prevent an increase in cholesterol levels. Especially during Ramadan fasting which causes eating patterns to change. This is a good breakfast food recommendation for people with high cholesterol.
Sahur Menu for People with High Cholesterol
Don’t worry, for those who have a history of suffering from high cholesterol, it’s a good idea to eat low-fat and certainly healthy foods. This is a recommended breakfast menu for people with high cholesterol.
1. Fruits and Vegetables
To stay healthy and strong during Ramadan fasting, it is necessary to consume fruits and vegetables, especially at dawn, to support stamina so that we remain strong and fit.
You can process a number of vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots and turnips to be used as a breakfast menu such as making capcai. In addition, you can also eat fruit such as mango and guava which are good for lowering cholesterol.
2. Oatmeal
Even though it sounds like a snack, oatmeal is rich in fiber that the body needs during fasting. You don’t have to eat rice at dawn, oatmeal can also be an alternative to stay healthy even though you’re fasting. Soluble fiber becomes gel in the stomach and can slow digestion so, can help lower cholesterol and blood glucose. It also helps the body stay energized throughout the fast.
3. Fatty fish
Fatty fish is good for people with high cholesterol. However, the fish in question is a source of omega three fats. Omega three is a type of healthy oil or unsaturated fat which is found in many seafood, one of which is fish.
Types of fish that are sources of omega-3 fats include salmon, tuna and mackerel. For the sahur menu, you can prepare salmon served with vegetables. Besides being good for people with high cholesterol, consuming fatty fish can also fill you up and avoid hunger during fasting.
4. Menu Nuts
Eating nuts is good for the heart. In fact, consuming two ounces of nuts a day can lower bad cholesterol levels by five percent. The breakfast menu that can be made in the form of beans is stir-fried long beans with some other vegetables. Make sure not to pour in large seasonings that can raise cholesterol levels.
# Sahur Menu for Cholesterol Sufferers# Suhoor Menu Recommendations# Cholesterol sufferers# Ramadan 2023# Ramadan