Stock dimension-Trinity Securities revealed that BWG’s 2023 performance outlook is expected to return to profit again with a profit of 85 million baht from a loss of -144 million baht in 2022, with a better industry outlook. industrial waste disposal” should grow around 10% and have a Gross Margin that has improved to 20% from 2022 when the margin was lower than 10%, which came from various industrial sectors. started to get better As a result, the amount of industrial waste to be disposed of has increased.
The research department estimates that BWG’s profit will increase 7 times in the next 3 years. In the year of full operation (80MW), BWG will have a profit of more than 700 million baht, an increase of more than 7 times from both the increased profit sharing from ETC. up and the profit from the SRF factory from the year 2022, the company is still at a loss of about -144 million baht and we estimate the profit in 2023 at 85 million baht, recommending a “buy” at a price of 2.81 baht.
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