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Caritas Volunteers from Parish Gather for Charity Campaign Meeting

Last Wednesday, in Manganeses de la Lampreana, the meeting of volunteers from the parish Caritas belonging to the Archpriestship of ‘El Vino’ and the Arciprestazgo of ‘El Pan’ took place, such as the parishes of: Villaralbo, Manganeses de la Lampreana, Villalba of the Lampreana and Aspariegos.

The day, which took place in the afternoon, served to learn more about the 2022 Charity campaign, which under the motto We are what we give, we are love, speaks to us about love, the received and the one we give, and also, who we are, is what we celebrate in this great celebration of Cáritas, the Day of Charity. A celebration that for Christians takes shape and body in bread and wine, in the dedication that Jesus, the Son of God, makes of his life, to save us from a life doomed to death and emptiness, so that we stop to be slaves to everything that oppresses us and does not let us see or breathe; to free ourselves from what makes us live without hope and without a horizon, trapped in dissatisfaction, fear and darkness.

To continue this meeting day, a game was held, organized by the community animation technician who accompanies those Archpriests and the person in charge of volunteering for Cáritas Diocesana de Zamora. The game replicated the donut of pasapalabra, but attending to the premises that move us as Caritas and as a Church. The participants were divided into small teams and the winning group received a small gift.

The afternoon ended with a drink to share experiences of both life and volunteering, a nice meeting that was very gratifying, both for the participants and for the Cáritas workers who organized the event.

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