The Borongan Digital Photography Forum in Eastern Samar, composed of amateur and professional photographers, has resumed its free portrait program, Project Dagway, for graduating students in various remote schools in the province. The program, which had been hampered by COVID-19, aims to provide graduating students with a tangible memory of their academic achievement, boost their self-esteem, and inspire them to continue their education. In March, the group resumed its mission with 68 graduating students from elementary schools located in the villages of Cabay, Balogo, Julag, and Caisawan, all in Balangkayan town. The group targets around 1,000 graduating students for elementary and secondary schools in Balangkayan, Dolores, Guiuan, and Salcedo.
The Borongan Digital Photography Forum in Eastern Samar resumed taking graduation portraits for remote schools as part of their Project Dagway mission.
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