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Agáta Hanychová Defends Aneta Vignerová and Gives Her Opinion on Petr Koleček’s Love Life

Model Agáta Hanychová (37) recently got angry with her fans on a stream when questions started to be asked about her opinion on Petr Koleček’s (39) love spree. A barrage of profanity and a rather aggressive reaction came from her. According to information from eXtra.cz, this is for several reasons, the main one being her personal involvement in solving the Kolečkovi Divočiny.

Agáta Hanychová and Aneta Vignerová: Great support

Influencer Agáta Hanychová defended model Aneta Vignerová and her new marriage. And that during his live broadcast on Instagram. During it, fans also asked her what her opinion was about the currently most watched relationship circle in the Czech Republic.

But Agatha answered only the second time. At first, she pretended that she was not following the mentioned case at all. Then she got more excited than she probably originally wanted.

“Everybody’s talking about it. Leave Aneta alone. If I were Aneta, I would do it like this too. She has a child with him, so it’s clear that she wants to keep the family together at all costs. I’m not judging her, I’m rooting for her,” said Hanychová, who used quite a few vulgar words in her monologue, which we preferred to leave out.

And she also had a message for Petr Koleček, whom she has known since she was fifteen. “Let’s hope Kolečko has completed his full circle and will settle down and not do stupid things,” added Jaromíra Soukup’s partner.

She was also conciliatory towards the actress Denise Nesvačilová, whom she does not condemn. “Denisa is a young, pretty girl who will find someone else to have all to herself. After all, taking care of three strangers’ children… Denise, you’d be better off finding someone childless. Fingers crossed for Aneta. That’s all I wanted to say about this case,” Hanychová told her, even though she herself is expecting her third child with a third man.

Petr Kolečko: For Agá he used to be just a jerk

It was quite surprising when we know how strongly and with aplomb Agáta can criticize other celebrities. Actually, even in this case: in September of last year, she sharply and absolutely uncompromisingly condemned Petr Koleček together with his current boyfriend Jaromír Soukup.

“I know the wheels very well, and he’s a badass,” she stated first. “So I was there when Aneta found out that she was pregnant with Koleček, it was in my garden. They were together for 14 days. Aneta told me how happy they were, so I told her: Aneta, he already did it once, he will do it again, because he also left his ex-wife like that,” she claimed at the time.

The secret of Hanychová and Kolečka

Why such a sudden change of heart and suddenly conciliatory?

According to information from eXtra.cz, she really knows Petr well and it is said that she was the one with whom Kolečko discussed his relationship vicissitudes in recent weeks and months.

“It wasn’t entirely pleasant for Agatha, Aneta is her friend, but she herself knows how complicated relationships are, so she was just giving him a willow. He didn’t know what to do with the situation, he wanted both. But she couldn’t advise him anyway, he had to decide for himself.” says a source from around Hanychová.

So let’s hope that if Kolečko continues to consult with her, that she won’t agree to return to Denise…

It was week 09 again: Petr Pavel talked about the castle plans with Danuša Nerudová

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