the elevators were notworking due to fire.let me tell you now that everyyear in illinois 300 peopledie waiting for a transplantdeórganos and many of them,unfortunately they are latinos,just so youpeople becomedonors, across-state campaignmaía talked to a womanwho received a transplantrón and explains the processto register as a donor.>> i never thought i was going topass to mealways one listen in otherspersonas.maía: it was during a reviewédica that roíoThey detected that one of theirkidneys was goneworking.roío: when i realizedit was late, I was already veryadvanced, the level ofperformance was very low.maía: since then he dreamed ofthe long transplant listof ron, life expectancyfour years ago he wore a 25december as a giftChristmas.roío: who was your donor?maía: a two-year-old girlborn and they named me bothkidneys to be the size ofone.approximately 300 peoplethey die waiting for that miracle and21% are Latino people.does the Latino community need?>> the liver and the ancreas.>> [habla en ingés]maía: in an effort tosave lives, the secretary of thestate stressed the need fororgan donation andfabrics, during the launchof a new company wherehopes to promoteinscriptions.>> nothing else there is 15.8% likeregistered Latinos bodies orof tissues compared to21.5% need.maria: those interested inbecome a donor oforgans can have moreinformation and citing the pagefrom the secretary of state orcalling the number on the screen.the information you canscan through qr code.get your license or id, there isopportunity to select whatwant to donate and becomedonors, a person nothing moredonating your organs canimprove the life of up to 25personas.Maria: You stop for Roío and herhusband, parents of four children,the donation did not only come outlife to one person but to allthe family.>> like her, there are manyangels walking in the streetsthat they can give a secondchance of life.maía: how do you feel when you seethat life has given a secondchance?roío: very happy, verygrateful with life, withgod for having this newopportunity to see my childrencome true, I hope to meet my
“Saving Lives through Organ Donation: A Cross-State Campaign”
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