The Cherkassy CHPP said that as a result of an emergency on the direct pipeline of network water, the combined heat and power plant prematurely stopped the production of thermal energy.
About it informs CHP press office.
“Therefore, starting from today, the service for centralized heating and hot water supply to consumers of the Cherkasy CHPP PJSC Cherkasy Khimvolokno will not be provided.
Recall that after the completion of the heating season 2022-2023, starting from 04/09/2023, the enterprise planned to stop generating heat and electricity due to the need to carry out repair work on the main production equipment of the enterprise, which can only be carried out if the power equipment is completely turned off” , – the company added.
It is noted that now the repair team of the station is promptly eliminating the consequences of the emergency on the direct pipeline of network water and is starting a repair campaign.
How noted Mayor of Cherkassy Anatoly Bondarenko, the CHP plant stops for repairs unscheduled, he urged to treat the situation with understanding.
Earlier, the Cherkassy City Council planned to stop the CHPP on April 9, after the end of the heating season, the repair was supposed to last almost a month.
Cherkasy CHP supplies hot water and heat to 800 houses in Cherkasy.
economic truth