Australian actor Hugh Jackman announced on social media that my recent skin cancer tests were “negative”, after announcing two days ago that the disease might return to him, during a video he posted on his Instagram account.
And according to the British “BBC” network, Jackman published yesterday (Wednesday) a “story” on “Instagram”, in which he said: “The result of my cancer biopsies came back negative! Thank you all for the love I truly feel!
The Australian actor, who is famous for playing the character “Wolverine” in the “X-Men” films, advised everyone to take an important measure to prevent skin cancer, which is to apply sunscreen in all seasons of the year.
This came after the famous actor spoke the day before yesterday about the possibility of skin cancer, in a video he posted on “Instagram”, in which he appeared while putting a small bandage on his nose, and said that he underwent two biopsies to see if the disease had returned to him or not.
Jackman had a precancerous skin growth removed from his nose for the first time in 2013 and has since undergone at least six surgeries.