Deputy Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), Lestari Moerdijat, has called for an improvement in national health quality through basic health checks at integrated health posts (posyandus). She believes that many problems, such as reducing maternal and child mortality rates, as well as stunting, can be handled through routine basic health checks from an early age. Currently, the number of community health centers in Indonesia is deemed inadequate, and the prompt activation of 300,000 posyandus across the country is needed for early detection of the quality of people’s basic health. Moerdijat believes that the activation of posyandus is essential for the acceleration of several achievements in the health field nationally, as improving the community’s health quality is part of the process to realize strong and competitive Indonesians in the future. She also believes that health checks of mothers and children at posyandus must be boosted to tackle existing problems related to health, and hopes that several efforts in development related to human resource quality, in terms of health and education, will receive serious attention from stakeholders, both at the central and regional levels.