Home » Health » Blood is complex living tissue, including bone marrow, organs, and lymphatic system that performs vital functions.

Blood is complex living tissue, including bone marrow, organs, and lymphatic system that performs vital functions.

Not only blood in the vessels

Many people think that the blood that circulates through the vessels is nothing more than a liquid with cells. But in reality, it is a living tissue, complex and multicomponent. In addition to the most liquid blood inside the veins, capillaries and arteries, this system also includes the bone marrow, where new blood cells are formed, internal organs – the liver, spleen and kidneys, as well as the lymphatic system, which is closely related in its functions to the circulatory system.

This whole complex allows blood to perform all those functions in the body that allow us to lead a normal life. In order to control any processes in the blood system, study possible problems and develop effective approaches to treatment, a separate direction in medicine has been singled out.

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