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“Mulia Group and the Ownership of Taman Anggrek Mall in Jakarta”


Taman Anggrek Mall or commonly called MTA is one of the modern malls located in the Petamburan area, West Jakarta. It has a total land area of ​​360,000 square meters. Who owns Taman Anggrek Mall?

According to the company’s official website, Taman Anggrek Mall is owned and managed by PT Mulia Intipelangi, which is part of the Mulia Group.

Mulia Group itself is a company owned by Eka Tjandranegara, along with 3 other brothers, namely Tjandra Kusuma, Gunawan Tjandra and Djoko Tjandra.

In 1986 Mulia Group established PT Mulia Industrindo, a company engaged in industrial trade. In company records, in 1994, Mulia Group listed its initial shares on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange.

PT Mulia Industrindo under the auspices of the Mulia Group, in collaboration with several partners, the Mulia Group is expanding its business wings again by having subsidiary companies named PT Muliaglass and PT Muliakeramik Indahraya.

However, over time, Mulia Group sold PT Muliakeramik Indahraya in order to improve and enhance the company’s financial position.

PT Muliaglass under the auspices of the Mulia Group, owned by Eka Tjandranegara, is a company engaged in the glass industry, such as flat glass, glass block, glass packaging, and automotive safety glass.

Until 1996, Mulia Group through another holding company PT Mulia Intipelangi built and inaugurated Taman Anggrek Mall, which is one of the largest and most luxurious malls in Indonesia.

Taman Anggrek Mall stands on an area of ​​360,000 square meters. Inside there are several shops, places to eat, and a cinema.

Apart from Taman Anggrek Mall, the most iconic part of the Mulia Group is the construction of Wisma Mulia, a Wisma built with a total of 57 floors. The location of the guesthouse is not far from Taman Anggrek Mall. There is also a luxury hotel belonging to the Mulia Group, namely the Mulia Senayan Hotel.

Reporting from Forbes, Tuesday (4/4/2023), one of the founders of Mulia Group, Eka Tjandranegara, in 2016 was one of the richest people in Indonesia, he was in 26th place with a total wealth of US $ 1.25 billion or the equivalent of IDR 18.75 trillion (in an exchange rate of IDR 15,000).

In addition, as reported by tatlerasia.com, Eka Tjandra Negara in 2020 is ranked 54th as the richest person in Indonesia, with a total wealth of US$ 690 million or equivalent to Rp. 14.4 trillion.

The total assets are not yet known, but it is estimated that it will continue to climb when viewed from several subsidiary companies of the Mulia Group which are still running today.


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