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Creating a Public Bank to Benefit Communities: Expert Insights and Perspectives

refer publicly to the case,that your comments should notincite violence.hope: let’s changesubject because new york every timebenefits are added tocall that it is necessary thata public bank is createdaim to helpthe communities and that the collectionof interest is much lower.that has benefits and that does notput obstacles so thatworkers may havebank accounts.on this issue we consultedthe director of the organizationof migrants who alsosued the call for alegislation that makes it happenthis public bank.>> have a public system thatput our communities first andfinancial system, I think it isa wise stepthere is a lot of access, more than theformal system, to the systeminformal as exchange houses,among others, where pricesthat they take away or the costs forthe use of services arehigh.hope: held that the bankpublic to avoid abuses offamilies, system fraudbank was going to prioritizeequity.>> from the immigrant communitythat on many occasions nothave access to servicesfinancial that are designedfor them and for them andtaking into account that bettercommunity is widely involvedin the financial system.hope: and in order thatthis bank is a reality,to 100 employeesofficers came together tosign a letter at

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