Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), chairman of Indonesia’s Democratic Party, has accused the President’s Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, of attempting to dissolve the country’s coalition for change. The accusation was made in response to Moeldoko filing a judicial review with the Supreme Court regarding the Democratic Extraordinary Congress case. AHY claims that the filing was made one day after the party announced its support for former Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan as a potential presidential candidate. AHY said that the legal challenge could be an attempt to thwart Anies’ candidacy; Moeldoko has denied these claims. Legal practitioners have warned that the review could create a gap for political intervention and jeopardise democracy in the country. AHY has sent a legal team to submit a countersuit and has enlisted the help of former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Hamdan Zoelva, to lead the legal team against Moeldoko.