♪madison: a cold front in themiddle west of the moving footto the east of the region it passesdiscreetly tomorrow mondayespecially in the hours of thelate, dawned with skiesclear and watch whenthose clouds arrive that would beRed order at 7:30 or half past eightin the morning and that’s when we seean increase in cloudiness,don’t worry we’re not herewaiting for rain in thisMonday day, the windwill continue south for much of thepart of the day increasing thespeed towards thelate there that preárense becausetemperatures rise andIt will dawn very cold and towards thelate will be epic for thistime of the year. for example thenew york cia dawn weat 40 degrees and the maximum atafternoon hours will arrive at57 sides. the temperature will bedescending drasticallytowards the next few hours, we have