The public information from the district administration shows where and to what extent the district has already built systems on schools and other properties and where it plans to do so in the near future. They are also dedicated to open-space photovoltaics.
Those properties that are probably first associated with the district are the district offices in Kranichstein and Dieburg. Despite several buildings at the two locations, PV systems do not yet play a role there. Only wing one of the ensemble in Kranichstein has a small system on the facade. However, the system on the south side generates an output of less than five kilowatts. This corresponds to an energy of less than five kilowatt hours that this system (when the sun is shining) can generate per hour.
At the Kreishaus in Dieburg, although modernized at a cost of millions a few years ago, no electricity has been generated with this technology so far. However, this should improve at both locations of the district administration: Additional systems are to be built on the roofs of tract one and tract five in Kranichstein; the feasibility of wings seven and eight is still being examined. In Dieburg, the roof surfaces of three components are suitable for retrofitting with PV systems. An installation of panels on the listed part of the building with its gabled or hipped roof is currently being ruled out at the Dieburg district office. There is still no detailed information on the performance and costs of these systems in the future. Budget funds are already planned for this, the district lets know.
School buildings and sports halls make up the bulk of the district’s properties. In the past 15 years, the district has implemented 34 photovoltaic projects together with external investors or in the form of citizen solar systems. The total output is 1582 kilowatts. Two projects are currently being implemented. Nine more are currently being examined, planned or have been advertised. In the course of new school buildings, the systems are included in the respective project budgets. Retrofits are financed from the investment budget “energy saving measures” of the building management of the district’s own Da-Di factory.
In addition, systems at several composting plants in the district (including the plant in Semd) currently generate an output of 213 kilowatts. With a view to possible open-space photovoltaics, the district calculates that there are a total of 28,677 hectares used for agriculture in the district. For so-called agri-PV systems, however, soil of lower quality with a low number of fields and grassland and a low land value of less than two euros per square meter is particularly suitable. Both together currently only apply to 1020 hectares between Bickenbach and Babenhausen. Currently, the agricultural administration from the district municipalities has not received any ongoing inquiries about the installation of agri-PV systems. each
Background: PV systems on schools and sports halls in the eastern district
In recent years, the district of Darmstadt-Dieburg has also installed photovoltaic systems in schools and sports halls in the eastern district.
This has been the case, for example, at the Schaafheim Eichwald School since 2009. The system there has an output of 16 kilowatts. In the course of the new buildings there, a system that is around six times more powerful is to be built by 2027.
In Babenhausen, there is already a system with 53 kilowatts at the Joachim Schumann School. At the end of this year, another system with 70 kilowatts is to go into operation on the new multifunctional building of JSS. The Babenhausen School in the Kirchgarten has been equipped with a PV system (21 kilowatts) since 2009, and the new Bachwiesen School in Hergershausen (28 kilowatts) since 2019. The latter had previously been operated at the Pfungstadt indoor swimming pool and then transferred to the Babenhausen district.
There are other facilities at the Groß-Umstädter Geiersbergschule, the Eppertshäuser Stephan-Gruber-Schule and at three schools and four sports halls in Dieburg. (each)