Home » Health » Journalists at the “Parisien” criticize a biased approach towards the pension reform in their newspaper.

Journalists at the “Parisien” criticize a biased approach towards the pension reform in their newspaper.

Too many interviews with members of the government in one, too many editorials in favor of a text that is nevertheless disputed… .

A judged treatment “partisan, even oriented”. The Society of Journalists (SDJ) of Parisian informed the management of the daily of the “great concern” of the editorial staff as to the way in which the news in connection with the pension reform has been treated in recent weeks, according to an internal press release sent on Wednesday. “The SDJ office met this Tuesday morning Nicolas Charbonneau [directeur de la rédaction, ndlr] to discuss with him the treatment of the sequence of pension reform and the social movements that accompany it. We informed him of the great concern of the editorial staff about treatment deemed partisan, if not oriented, in a newspaper traditionally respectful of all republican and democratic sensitivities. is it written in this press release, of which the AFP obtained a copy on Thursday, confirming information fromFreeze frames.

The text underlines that all the major interviews of one of the daily had been made “either with members of the government” (Gabriel Attal, Elisabeth Borne, Gérald Darmanin, Olivier Dussopt, Bruno Le Maire), or “in any case only with supporters of this reform largely challenged in public opinion and in Parliament». Beyond the interviews, the SDJ was particularly moved by the editorials in “their vast majority in favor” to the reform, or even the treatment of the first days of mobilization against the reform from different angles «critiques».

Nicolas Charbonneau «assume»

In remarks by Nicolas Charbonneau reported by the SDJ, he challenges “absolutely” the term of “partisan”. “I assume choices and I claim a form of commitment: not in the service of the government but in line with the values ​​that we defend”, such as the defense of the Republic, secularism, the fight against communitarianism or conspiracy, explained the editorial director of the Parisianin comments reported by the SDJ.

The Les Echos-Le Parisien group is owned by luxury giant LVMH, of which Bernard Arnault is CEO. At the end of March, the SDJ of Echos had protested against the surprise departure of the editorial director, Nicolas Barré, seeing a “brutal eviction by the shareholder”. Les Echos-Le Parisien formalized Barré’s departure, announcing that he was “called to occupy new functions within the drafting”. He has since been named “Editorial Director of Echos», the interim at the head of the editorial staff being ensured by its deputy director, François Vidal.

Another SDJ, that of France 3 national editorial, was recently moved by the coverage of the pension reform, denouncing a “bad treatment”, in an online press release.

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