Juventus awaits the crossroads on 19 April to clear the clouds that hover over Continassa and start planning their future decisively. Francesco Calvo has supported it on several occasions, he has reiterated it once more Maurizio Scanavino on Friday regarding contract renewals. The fact that the Juventus club is inclined to focus discussions on tomorrow around the date on which the Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport will express its opinion on the current 15-point penalty, considering this to be the main imponderable variable, could in some way tell of the intentions about the other line of investigationsthe one – closing in these hours – in which the federal prosecutor Giuseppe Chiné has grouped salary maneuvers and suspicious partnerships.
Juve, the path of plea bargaining
Could, the conditional is a must. Because to possibly take the path of the so-called plea bargainor the application of sanctions at the request of the parties, the sole intention on the part of the suspect is not enough. It also depends, of course, on the charges brought forward by the prosecution. And precisely on the occasion of the dossier on capital gains, in this sense, Chiné himself had constructed a rather surprising scheme. Juventus, in a nutshell, could also be willing to negotiate, but only within a perimeter of accusations deemed “acceptable”.
A compromise
The method by which to proceed, specifically, would be the one detailed byarticle 126 of the FIGC Sports Justice Code. The application of sanctions at the request of the parties, in this case, would take place simmediately after the notification of closure of the investigation, therefore even before discovering the (possible!) deeds of referral. Also for this reason it is defined “plea bargain for convenience” and implies the possibility that the sanction may be «decreased up to a maximum of half of that foreseen in the event that proceeding in the ordinary way, without prejudice to the possibility of applying further reductions deriving from the application of extenuating circumstances”. In concrete terms, it is not a question of a real admission of guilt, but rather of a compromise to get away from the judicial dispute in times and with sanctions deemed acceptable. Also because an acknowledgment of the fact committed – which never happened by Juventus, which continues to profess its innocence with all its strength – would end up having inevitable repercussions on the subsequent criminal trial.