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Hospital Costs to Skyrocket Amidst Inflation for the Sake of Sustaining Establishments

This is a new measure to try to save French hospitals. The Minister of Health and Prevention François Braun announced on Friday evening sharply rising hospital prices for 2023 in order to support health establishments in the face of inflation and support their resumption of activity.

In detail, the prices charged to Social Security will increase in 2023 by 7.06% for public hospitals, said his ministry in a press release. With regard to the private sector, the increase will reach 6.7% for non-profit establishments and 5.4% for those in the for-profit sector, it added.

These sharply rising tariffs “concretize an unprecedented level of the national objective of health insurance expenditure (Ondam) health establishments now increased to 101.1 billion euros”, affirms the ministry. In total, 4.6 billion euros of additional funding will be devoted to hospitals in 2023.

Many boosts for a year

This new expenditure includes 2.4 billion planned to deal with the evolution of the institutions’ current resources, in particular in an exceptional context of inflation in 2023, and one billion for the full-year extension of the revaluation of the point index for hospital civil servants in July 2022.

In addition, 400 million euros will be dedicated to the continuation of the commitments of Ségur de la santé and 600 million euros to the financing of measures to increase night work for public health establishments, it is further added.

Minister François Braun also unveiled, in November, the decision taken by the executive to release 543 million for the public hospital. This extension will be included in an amendment included in the Social Security draft budget. It “is part of our unprecedented effort to support the hospital and all the staff who make it work,” said the minister. In particular, it must make it possible to cover the additional costs “related to the Covid”.

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