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The Riga Project Choir situation is acknowledged by LNKC

The Latvian National Culture Center (LNKC) has taken responsibility for the situation in which the Riga Project Choir was initially denied the opportunity to participate in the Choir Wars and obtain a rating, calling the whole incident a “human error”, the “Delfi” portal learned from the LNKC.

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“First of all, we confirm that the choir screening jury has done its work in good faith and objectively, as evidenced by the number of points for the choir – they were awarded according to the quality of the artistic performance. The screening jury established by the LNKC are experts whose experience is essential to the tradition of the Song and Dance Festival. The screening jury works professionally and honestly, evaluating the performance of choir members both in Latvia and in the diaspora. The time for shows, especially for choirs and dance industries, is especially stressful, as there are many groups that want to participate in the festivities. Choir shows will last until May 7, 2023,” read in the announcement of LNKC.

The center explains that the situation arose as a result of human error. LNKC takes responsibility for this and apologizes for the incident both to the jury of choirs, its chairman Romāns Vanags, and to the Riga Project Choir and conductor Kristofers Walšas-Sinkas, as well as to the entire family of the Song and Dance Festival.

“Delfi” already announced that the Riga Project Choir was initially not admitted to the Choir Wars, because, in the opinion of the jury, the choir’s sound did not meet any requirements. You can read more about the situation in this article.

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