Headaches and migraines are quite common problems. Almost every person experiences them throughout their life. But most of us neglect them or treat them with pills, not paying attention to the real causes, which can often be worrying.
6 serious problems that can be associated with migraines
Migraines are signals that our body sends to tell us:
- that something is wrong
- that you need to pay more attention to hydration, body position, nutrition or rest
- that it no longer manages to restore the balance and that more serious illnesses can await you, such as:
Accident vascular cerebral
For many people who suffer from unpleasant migraines, these pains are also accompanied by a so-called “aura” – when you also start to see lights or dots or when your face goes numb. If all of this sounds familiar to you, and you’re a woman between the ages of 35 and 45, you may be at risk of having a stroke.
Read also: Stroke: recognize the symptoms and find out how you can avoid a stroke!
Heart problems
Migraines can increase your risk of heart disease, especially if you don’t pay close attention to getting enough sleep or a healthy diet. It is recommended for those who experience frequent migraines to have a controlled diet and rest schedule.
Migraines occur especially in those who suffer from bipolar or depression. It is not yet scientifically proven that migraines cause depression, but lifestyle can clearly help prevent headaches.
Also read: 10 causes of morning headaches. What you can do to prevent them
Almost 50% of people who suffer from severe migraines also have problems with anxiety. A migraine can be considered severe only when the episodes are frequent (at least 15 episodes/month).
Bell’s palsy
According to studies, people who suffer from chronic migraines are much more likely to develop this paralysis. And while no clear association was found between the two, doctors concluded that inflammation, heart problems and blood circulation are among the contributing factors.
Parkinson’s disease
If the headaches are accompanied by those flashes of light described above, the risk of suffering from Parkinson’s disease is much higher. Especially if you suffer from these migraines when you are in middle age.
Read also: Parkinson’s disease, the second most common degenerative neurological disease in Romania
Sources: NCBI, Very Well Health, Health