Home » Business » Olivier Amrane Challenges Minister of Labor Over Closure of Conduent in Guilherand-Granges

Olivier Amrane Challenges Minister of Labor Over Closure of Conduent in Guilherand-Granges

“I cannot accept this shameful decision taken by Conduent. A solution must be found for the employees. A real reclassification leave must be offered so that they can train and find a new job.” In a press release, Olivier Amrane (LR), president of the departmental council of Ardèche challenges the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt, also Ardéchois. In Guilherand-Granges, the Conduent company closed its doors, leaving 238 employees unemployed. The call center closed due to the breach of contract by its only customer Apple.

“This decision is all the more unacceptable as it comes in a context where the American company has just announced a record net profit of nearly 100 billion dollars for the year 2022. Apple must take its responsibilities because the employees here are victims of relocation for reasons of social dumping. I am therefore calling on the government to put pressure on the American company. The Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt must take his responsibilities, rather than defending an unfair pension reform too. These employees are only asking for one thing: to be able to work, they are ready to do two more years at their workstation.”

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