CANTIKA.COM, Jakarta Asthma is one of the common diseases experienced by people. Asthma is a disorder that occurs in the respiratory tract caused by narrowing and inflammation and can produce excess mucus. As a result, there is a feeling of tightness and a feeling of difficulty breathing. Other symptoms that are felt from asthma are coughing, wheezing, and chest pain.
Asthma is a non-communicable disease that most people in Indonesia suffer from. Data from the Ministry of Health at the end of 2020 stated that the number of asthma sufferers in Indonesia was 4.5 percent of the population or as many as 12 million cases. Medically, asthma is a disease that cannot be completely cured. However, asthma can be prevented so that the symptoms do not recur.
Here are 5 tips to prevent asthma from recurring:
1. Avoid too cold air
Air that is too cold can trigger asthma flare-ups. Generally, cold air has a lower humidity level than normal temperatures. When cold air enters the respiratory tract, the lungs contract and the respiratory tract is more easily irritated. So, the thing that can be done is to avoid using air conditioning or using a jacket to keep the body warm.
2. Set a healthy diet
Healthy food is very important for human life and has a big impact on health. By adjusting your diet regularly, you will prevent stomach acid or GERD from occurring. Acid can trigger a nervous reflex that causes narrowing of the airways and prevents stomach acid from rising up into the throat. It is also one of the triggers for the appearance of asthma symptoms. To prevent this from happening, you can set a meal schedule every day. Not to forget, you also have to make sure the nutrition you consume is balanced.
Exercise that is too strenuous can trigger asthma flare-ups because it puts pressure on the lungs. Even so, that doesn’t mean that people with asthma can’t do sports at all. The reason is, light exercise that is routinely done can be beneficial for people with asthma. Light exercise such as swimming, walking and yoga is very beneficial for increasing endurance. When doing light physical activity, people with asthma also still have to keep their breath in order to avoid a recurrence of asthma.
4. Avoid the factors that trigger asthma recurrence
One of the triggers for recurrence of asthma is poor air quality and dusty rooms. Apart from dust and bad air, there are several other triggers that can make asthma recur, one of which is animal fur. There are some people who have an allergy to animal dander so that it disturbs their respiratory tract.
It is important for those whose family members have asthma to keep their home clean. If the house is always kept clean, it is undeniable that it will have a good impact on health, especially on the health of the respiratory tract. To prevent dust and animal dander from being inhaled by people with asthma, homeowners can use an air purifier.
5. Keep the air in the house clean
Clean air can relieve and reduce symptoms of asthma flare-ups. The good news is that now we can maintain indoor air quality using an air purifier. The NOBLE air purifier product from Coway is equipped with a 4D filter with UVC which is capable of performing 360 degree air filtration to trap, clean indoor pollutants and circulate clean and healthy air in all directions.
Editors’ Choice: 8 Natural Ways to Reduce Asthma Symptoms, Use Facial Steam and Yoga
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