Pensions: these journalists from France 3 denounce the “mistreatment” of the reform in their news (mobilization of pension reform on March 23, 2023 in Dijon)
MEDIA – “Information worthy of the name”. The Society of Journalists of France Television (France 3, national editorial staff), published a press release on Monday March 27 to denounce the “mistreatment” of the news on the mobilizations against the pension reform in the JTs of the chain.
According to this press release, the processing of information gives pride of place to the violence of “breakers” to the detriment of millions of peaceful protesters across France. ” A record mobilization during the national demonstration last Thursday, the unions and the authorities are unanimous. What to make the one of our editions, right? »can we read.
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The Society of Journalists of #France3 National Redaction denounces the “Bad treatment” of the…
– SDJ France 3 National editorial staff (@sdjfrance3rn)
“Showing the peaceful and even festive aspects of this opposition to the pension reform, the massive entry of young people into the movement, all of this was editorially verifiable, in Paris as everywhere in France. But the same evening, the 19/20 opens with a long subject “thugs”, which passes in 10 seconds on the beatings of demonstrators by the CRS. The protest will only come later. »regrets the SDJ.
Do not dwell on police violence
A “information hierarchy” Who « s’inverse », too much room is left for the violence of the thugs” and not enough to the demonstrators and their demands against the bill… For the SDJ, the content of the news from France Television, in particular France 3 and France 2, is far from representing the reality on the ground.
What about the parades of millions of people in the streets who were ousted from certain editions of the newspaper, the morning after the event?
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The SDJ also points to the lack of media coverage of police violence, which has been denounced by the LDH and the Council of Europe. ” In our editions, it is indeed the thugs who make the headlines… With particular care not to mention police violence, and the return of prohibited practices: traps, blind beatings, charges and inappropriate comments from the forces. of order, abuses however denounced by the LDH and even the Council of Europe “asserts the press release.
The SDJ accuses the channel of sweeping the “ return of prohibited practices”, or the violent behavior of the police. This such as “ the charge of the police in Paris on the head square where the intersyndicale was located”.
“A democracy is also a police force that knows how to behave… Like information worthy of the name”concludes the SDJ.
See also on Le HuffPost :