Home » News » Jeong Soon-shin’s side seeks school transfer due to ‘relocation of residence’, not school violence [Exclusive]

Jeong Soon-shin’s side seeks school transfer due to ‘relocation of residence’, not school violence [Exclusive]

It has been confirmed that Lawyer Jeong Soon-shin tried to transfer his son’s school for the reason of “relocation of residence” even after being forced to transfer due to school violence.

According to Min-Jeong Kang’s Office of the Democratic Party of Korea, Lawyer Chung submitted documents related to school transfer to the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education on February 8, 2019.

The transfer application for transfer to the place of residence had the seal of the principal of the civil high school, and the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, which received the application documents, assigned Lawyer Chung’s son to Banpo High School, which was the first choice school on the assignment application, saying that the transfer requirements were met on the same day.

However, five days later, on February 13, Banpo High School asked the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education to cancel the assignment, saying that a ‘change in the transfer procedure’ was necessary, and the next day, the transfer due to ‘relocation of residence’ was canceled.

Attorney Jeong’s son said in a consultation with the class teacher at Banpo High School, “The incident started when the victim came to the dormitory room too often and asked not to come.” It was referred to the school violence committee,” he said.

Afterwards, the disciplinary records of Lawyer Chung’s son, who was forced to transfer for school violence, were to be kept for two years after graduation, but were deleted at the same time as graduation through school deliberation.

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