Green party leader Ricarda Lang is engaged. The 29-year-old announced this in a post on Twitter, captioning a picture with her fiancé Florian Wilsch with the caption “Engaged” and a heart. An engagement ring gleams on Lang’s left hand. Wilsch is a postdoc at the University of Hanover at the Institute for Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics. Sharing the post, he wrote, “News.”
There were quick positive reactions to the engagement from politicians, including from SPD federal chairman Lars Klingbeil and CDU general secretary Mario Czaja. Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, commented: “Congratulations to you, dear Ricarda, and to your future husband!”
Lang has been with her fiancé for six years
Common pictures of the couple, who have been together for six years, have often been found online. In 2012, Wilsch was spokesman for the board of the Green Youth in Bavaria. Lang is one of the youngest members of the German Bundestag and has been on the Federal Executive Committee of the Greens together with Omid Nouripour since 2022.
Last year, Lang said in a “Bunte” interview about Wilsch: “My boyfriend, with whom I’ve been together for five years, is a great support for me and gives me strength even in difficult times.”