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Vatican News: Pope Encourages EU Bishops to Promote the Movement for Peace

Pope Francis receives European bishops and invites them to continue their efforts in the cause of peace.

(Vatican News Network)Pope Francis met with the bishops of the Council of Bishops of the European Union (COMECE) in the Vatican on March 23, and mentioned to them the two dreams of the fathers of the European Union: unity and peace. During this audience, the Pope congratulated the new president of the Council of Bishops of the European Union, Bishop Mariano Crociata, and thanked the outgoing president, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich.

Speaking of the unity of the European Union, the Pope pointed out that unity should not become uniform, but should respect and value the uniqueness of each nation and culture. Such is the challenge of staying united amidst differences.

The European Union has undergone many changes since its inception. The Church, said the Pope, has the duty to “foster people to read the signs of the times, to read today’s European project”.

Regarding the dream of peace, the pope mentioned that the war in Ukraine “shakes the peace in Europe”. Neighboring countries did everything they could to accommodate refugees, and Europeans cared for the Ukrainian people in solidarity. “This concerted response at the level of charity should be matched by a commensurate and united commitment to peace,” the pope said.

Aware of the complexity of the situation, the Pope also emphasized: “War can neither be nor should be considered as a means of resolving conflicts.” “If today’s European countries no longer uphold this ethical-political principle, it means This means they are far from the dream of the EU when it was founded.”

The mission of the Council of Bishops of the European Union is “to build bridges between the Churches across Europe and the institutions of the European Union”. In addition, the Pope also urged the bishops of the European Union to take a long-term view and creatively advance the cause of peace.

The Pope concluded: “On a construction site, both architects and craftsmen are needed. But I would say that those who truly build peace must be both architects and craftsmen.”

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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