Yogyakarta –
Some experts warn that it is deadly WiFi at night is a mistake. Wow, how come you can do that, detikers?
Reporting from thesun.co.uk, Sunday (26/3/2023) that turning off WiFi every night has some pros and cons. Therefore, you must consider carefully.
From the cons, turn off WiFi first. A Chief Technology Officer at wireless consultancy WiFore, Nock Hunn considers that turning off WiFi will use up more energy than it’s worth.
Says Nock Hunn, “If you turn off your router every night, upload and download speeds are likely to be worse. You’re more likely to have a slower connection with buffering. Since it’s slower, you’re using more power which increases consumption.”
From Nock Hunn’s explanation, it can be said that turning off WiFi at night is not always a wise decision to save costs. Because it also has security implications.
Telecommunications expert at Uswitch.com, Ernest Doku also said so. If you turn off WiFi at night, it will be detrimental because software updates will be disrupted.
“Keeping your devices up 24/7 means service providers can install critical security and software updates at any time, which they often do at night when the network isn’t as busy,” says Hunn.
Therefore, we pay for Wifi to get decent security and of course stable speed.
However, it is different from the opinion of the pros, aka supporting that WiFi needs to be turned off at night. This was mentioned by several experts who said that turning on WiFi continuously could be harmful to overall body health and this could interfere with rest or sleep.
“The radio frequency signals sent by routers can negatively affect sleep quality and can potentially lead to headaches or fatigue,” Sleep Society co-founder Isabella Gordan tells Home and Gardens.
In addition, by turning off the WiFi router, it helps reduce the habit of playing gadgets at night. Therefore you can rest more optimally.
Another opinion is a matter of security. By turning off WiFi, it can reduce the risk of ignorant people to steal it. This is for example a nefarious neighbor trying to hitch a ride on WiFi coming from your network.
So how about Detikers? Are you the team that turns on WiFi at night or turns it off? Let’s comment below!
*This article was written by Windi Yusnita, a participant in the Merdeka Campus Certified Internship Program at detikcom.
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