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Avoid this type of food if you experience joint pain.

Dr. Angelica Duval, a Russian nutritionist, recommended that people with joint problems avoid eating sweets and nightshade products.

She said: “Those who suffer from joint problems should exclude potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes and sweet peppers from their diet because they stimulate arthritis.”

They should also stop eating sweets, as they stimulate inflammation in the body.

She added, “People who overeat simple carbohydrates, refined sugar, pastries and sweets, and processed foods are more likely to develop various infections, including arthritis.”

And she added: “The extra weight puts additional pressure on the joints, which leads to their destruction. So it is better to get rid of the extra kilos.”

To maintain healthy joints, you need to add food products rich in collagen. You should also eat oily fish at least twice a week.

Fresh vegetables are also the best source of organic calcium, which nourishes joints.

She concluded: “Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial products are ginger and turmeric. Therefore, using them in the diet reduces the level of inflammation.”

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