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The story of Prophet Muhammad Help Salman Al Farisi Free from Slavery

FAJAR.CO.ID– Prophet Muhammad SAW was so respectful of slaves. He ordered his friend to be kind to the slave and forbade him to beat him cruelly.

For the Prophet Muhammad, a slave is a brother. Therefore, they should be treated humanely and have their rights fulfilled.

More than that, the Prophet Muhammad stated that Islam gave slaves the right to free themselves through a Mukatabah (an agreement in which a master would free his slaves if they managed to pay off the agreed price).

He also did not hesitate to help slaves who wanted to be independent. With this right, there were finally some slaves who later got their independence. Among them is Salman Al Farisi.

Actually, Salman Al Farisi is a free man. He experienced a long journey before finally meeting the Prophet Muhammad and declared himself converted to Islam.

Salman is from Jayyun Village, Isfahan City, Persia. His father was a village head there and a fire worshiper (Majusi).

One day, Salman was ordered by his father to carry out one task in one place. On the way, Salman met Christians who were carrying out their prayers.

He began to be interested in the religion. He asked the priest about Christianity, where did this religion come from and from whom could he learn more about the religion.

Since then, Salman began to wander to fulfill his spiritual thirst.

After getting a will from the priest he met, Salman went to Sham, Iraq, and Amuriyah (part of the Byzantine Empire).

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