Asri Ediyati |
Friday, 24 Mar 2023 19:10 WIB
Mumps is a highly contagious viral infection of the salivary glands. This disease most often affects children. The most visible symptom is swelling of the salivary glands. The affected salivary gland is called the parotid gland, which makes the patient’s neck appear swollen.
Sometimes, the mumps virus can also cause inflammation of the testicles, ovaries, pancreas, or meninges (the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord, Moms. Once a person has mumps, they usually become immune to infection later.
Before the mumps vaccine was introduced in 1967, it was a very common childhood illness. To reduce the spread of mumps, the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is often given at an early age to build immunity against the virus.
Now that most children are vaccinated, it is relatively rare for children to get mumps. However, there have been several outbreaks in recent years affecting several thousand children. For more complete information about mumps and natural treatment, you can see everything in this article.
Causes and Transmission of Mumps
Mumps is caused by infection with the mumps virus. It can be passed on by respiratory secretions (eg saliva) from people who have had the condition. When contracting mumps, the virus travels from the respiratory tract to the salivary glands and reproduces, causing the glands to swell.
Reported Medical News Today, Here’s how mumps can spread:
- Sneeze or cough.
- Using the same cutlery and plates as infected people.
- Sharing food and drink with someone who is infected.
- kissing.
- An infected child touches his nose or mouth, he can transmit it to surfaces that other people may touch.
Individuals infected with the mumps virus can be contagious for approximately 15 days (6 days before symptoms begin to appear, and up to 9 days after symptoms begin). The mumps virus is part of the paramyxovirus family, a common cause of infection, especially in children.
Symptoms of Mumps
Symptoms of mumps usually appear within two weeks of exposure to the virus. Flu-like symptoms may be the first to appear, including:
- fatigue
- aches
- headache
- loss of appetite
- mild fever
A high fever of around 39° C and swelling of the salivary glands will follow for the next few days, after the above symptoms. The glands may not swell all at once. More commonly, they swell and become painful periodically.
Children are most likely to transmit the mumps virus to others from the time the child comes in contact with the virus until their parotid glands swell. Most people who contract mumps show symptoms of the virus. However, some people have no or very few symptoms.
There is currently no medicine to treat the mumps virus. The infection usually passes within a week or two. Then, how can mumps in children be overcome? Is there a cure? Check it out on the next page, Mother.
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Check out the explanation about the infections that have emerged after the pandemic in the video below: