CREMONA – He died suddenly this afternoon Marco Pezzoli, 59 years old, he would have turned 60 on April 25th. The tragic news immediately spread in the city where Pezzoli was well known, also for his activity as an insurer, and esteemed.
A fulminant heart attack caught him at Canottieri Baldesio while he was playing bowls: he was transported in red code to the Cremona hospital but despite the resuscitation procedures there was nothing to do.
The news shocked many friends including the “Zjg” (acronym of Zanotti, Jacopetti e Gastaldi), a close-knit group that still mourns their friend Gianluca Vialli. Just on 4 September Marco “Mec” Pezzoli had accompanied Luca to the Zini stadium on the occasion of Cremonese’s home match against Sassuolo.
Con Paolo Zanotti he had the insurance agency Assigest. Leave the son Carlothe elderly mother, the partner and the sister Chiara.