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Rare Event: Five Planets to Align Next Tuesday

Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, and Mars are set to line up on March 28 in a rare planetary display.

The planets appear at the same time just after sunset on Tuesday, March 28 but will also be visible in the sky on the days before and after.

Experts said that Jupiter and Mercury will appear as “bright objects” close to the horizon. However, the duo will only be visible for less than an hour after sunset before fading out of sight.

Venus is easiest to see with the naked eye, as it is the third brightest object in the sky, and will be spotted higher up in the sky next to Uranus. Mars appears bright red and is positioned very high, visible near the Moon.

The planets are set to align in a 50-degree sector of the sky.

And the American astronomer Gary Swangen said that Venus, Mars and Jupiter will be able to see with the naked eye.

“Binoculars may be needed to see Mercury and Uranus,” he added. Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn will also form another alignment of five planets on June 17.

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