It can happen to anyone, so be careful.
A 36-year-old man was pushed against a moving train, hitting various parts of his body including his head, where he was bleeding, according to police.
“I spend my time praying that nothing happens to me, that nothing happens to us, that there is no danger. It is difficult with this social problem that exists at the moment,” said Ofelia Henao, a subway user.
The individual in the surveillance video was the one who pushed him into an R train at the 4th Avenue and 59th Street station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, according to authorities.
🚨WANTED🚨 for an Assault on the ‘R’ line 59 Street subway station #Manhattan @NYPD72pct on 3/19/23@ 6:07 P.M. The individual pushed the victim into the side of a moving n/b ‘R’ train.💰Reward up to $3500 Know who he is?📲Call 1-800-577-TIPS Calls are CONFIDENTIAL!
— NYPD Crime Stoppers (@NYPDTips) March 21, 2023
Henao says that she was recently chased by a stranger and had to run to avoid falling prey to senseless crimes.
“I think that social work for people is much needed. For all. And a lot of education. More security cameras,” Henao added.
The assaulted, the report says, was waiting for the train on the northbound platform when the subject approached him and attacked him for no apparent reason. Luckily he fell onto the platform and not onto the tracks.
“It’s something common in New York,” lamented some on Tuesday morning. For this reason, when they use the subway they always do so cautiously.
“Try not to get too close to the tracks. Being a little more in the middle,” said René Yaquí.
The event took place on Sunday at about six in the evening, a busy time on weekends in the subway.
“It’s not fair to have…one leave the house and not know if he’s going to arrive,” Henao said.
The suspect fled the scene after the incident and is described only as having a fair complexion.
Paramedics took the victim to NYU Hospital and report him in stable condition.
Police are asking for help with information by calling 1-888-57-PISTA.