Because almost all doors in the tram remained closed, the passengers had nowhere to go. Therefore, according to Beijersbergen van Henergouwen, Terpstra’s death is “the result of a circumstance that the carrier could have avoided, or the consequences of which the company could have prevented”.
The lawyer says that the province and the transport company are not held jointly responsible for several reasons until four years after the attack. “This is partly due to the fact that we first tried to work it out with Qbuzz, but they referred the responsibility to the province.” Utrecht is the lessor of the trams. Beijersbergen van Henegouwen points out that the statute of limitations for this case has not yet expired.
Qbuzz wants in de Volkskrant do not respond substantively. According to Qbuzz’ lawyer, the accusations of the Terpstra family are a “one-sided presentation of the facts”. The province of Utrecht also did not want to respond to the newspaper, because the case is before the court.
On March 18, 2019, Gökmen T. shot and killed four people in and around an express tram on 24 Oktoberplein. Several people were also injured and traumatized. The attack will be commemorated on Saturday. Relatives, aid workers, witnesses, Utrecht mayor Sharon Dijksma, members of the city council and Minister Dilan Yesilgöz (Justice and Security) are present.
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