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“Infographic: Performing Tarawih Congregational Prayers at Home in Ramadan” – The Seventh Day

Loay Ali wrote

Saturday, March 18, 2023 04:30 AM

Muslims are keen to revive Tarawih year In the blessed month of Ramadan, and some worshipers wish to hold the congregation at home, and “The Seventh Day” presents how to pray in congregation at home, in the following order:

1- If the man prays with his wife in congregation; The wife stood behind him.

2- If the man has a male child and a wife; The boy prayed on his right, his wife prayed behind him.

3- If the man has children, male and female, and a wife; The males prayed behind him in a row, and the wife and daughters prayed in another row behind the males.

4- If a man has a son, the male son prays on his right.

5- If a man has male children, pray behind him.

6- If a brother prays with his male brothers, they are behind him.

7- If a brother prays with his brother, he should be on his right.

8- If women pray together, the mother is among her daughters.

9- If the son is the imam, the second row is for the male brothers and the last for the mother and daughters.

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