Loay Ali wrote
Saturday, March 18, 2023 04:30 AM
1- If the man prays with his wife in congregation; The wife stood behind him.
2- If the man has a male child and a wife; The boy prayed on his right, his wife prayed behind him.
3- If the man has children, male and female, and a wife; The males prayed behind him in a row, and the wife and daughters prayed in another row behind the males.
4- If a man has a son, the male son prays on his right.
5- If a man has male children, pray behind him.
6- If a brother prays with his male brothers, they are behind him.
7- If a brother prays with his brother, he should be on his right.
8- If women pray together, the mother is among her daughters.
9- If the son is the imam, the second row is for the male brothers and the last for the mother and daughters.