Once he gets going, there’s no stopping him and, above all, there’s no end. It felt like he could have entertained the almost 400 people in the cinema alone, but a moderator was assigned to help him. That’s how it seemed for a while when Söder chatted in his well-known charming way out of the sewing box. The few questions that the moderator asked could also have been deleted. But even a prime minister needs to catch his breath and drink something in between. And so that there was no absolute silence in the hall, Ralf Exel took over for a few seconds. Sitting across from the two were not just Söder fans or interested Bayreuthers, but also regional figures who wanted to hear Söder’s colorfully told life story. Among them Bayreuth’s mayor Thomas Ebersberger (CSU) or the member of the Bundestag Silke Launert (CSU). But also a surprise guest. Reiner Haseloff, Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, sat in the front row with his grandson, who studies at Bayreuth University.