Anyone on drinks with Caffeine will probably not make this decision solely because of taste. After all, it is a stimulant that can and should primarily wake you up and keep you awake. But that is by no means the only effect that the drug can have on the human body.
Caffeine: High levels in the blood may be beneficial
There is new evidence that caffeine also appears to be associated with beneficial long-term effects. In any case, that creates a new one Study vicinity. This shows that high levels in the blood can lower the body fat percentage and thereby also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
But that doesn’t automatically mean that you can now indulge in more coffee enjoyment – that’s not the point. Especially since it would depend on how you drink it: “Any caffeinated drink with sugar and fat would negate the positive effects”, commented dr Katarina Kos of the University of Exeter the latest research to the British Guardian.
However, in the long term, the results could lead to the development of caffeinated but low-calorie drinks that could be used to fight obesity and diabetes. Coffee with milk can also have positive effects on health.
Genetic influence on caffeine effect found
For their investigations, the researchers also looked at genetic factors influencing caffeine and how these can ultimately affect overall health. They found two common gene variants that are associated with the speed of caffeine metabolism.
On average, people with a genetic predisposition to break down caffeine more slowly drank less coffee but had a higher concentration in their blood than others.
At the same time, it was found that half of the reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes is driven by weight reduction. Caffeine is known to boost overall metabolism, increase fat burning, and reduce appetite. It is estimated that consuming 100 mg of caffeine per day is associated with burning an additional 100 calories per day.
Also interesting: It is true that it is frowned upon in everyday life. But cold coffee can have unexpected effects.
Beware of wrong conclusions
The results, according to Dr. Stephen Lawrence from the University of Warwick a good basis for developing further hypotheses and ideas. However, causal evidence would not yet result unequivocally and the study should not be “overinterpreted”.
In his view, increasing caffeine consumption would be no more effective than exercise or an overall lower calorie intake. Also, not all people tolerate caffeine equally well. Some get tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmias. So if you go about it the wrong way, you could have the opposite effect.
Quellen: Guardian, „Appraisal of the causal effect of plasma caffeine on adiposity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease: two sample mendelian randomisation study“ (BMJ Medicine Journal, 2023)
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