Home » Entertainment » The portraits of Anny Duperey, Michel Blanc, and others by Philippe Besson

The portraits of Anny Duperey, Michel Blanc, and others by Philippe Besson

Anna Duperey was once a delicious actress, she has unfortunately become a grumpy old lady, whom everything seems to annoy. As it was pointed out to him that the vaccine against Covid has “protected from serious cases”she got annoyed: ” That’s it ! We will ask their posthumous opinion to the triple vaccinated who died in the hospital. » Drawing from tragic particular cases a generality contrary to scientific reality is the hallmark of conspiracy theorists. She proudly assumes” To be one of them “. We had loved her so much.

We definitely prefer him Michael White. Asked in “C to You” about “Les Bronzés 3”, the actor did not bias: “It’s the worst thing I’ve done in my life. » We agree.

Amandine Pellissard (“Large Families” on TF1) announces that she is pregnant with her ninth child. What about his porn career? “I’m going to take maternity leave. » When we said it was a job like any other… And quitting smoking? “Give me time. » A little less than nine months, anyway…

After his defeat against Bayern, the sports commentator Daniel Riolo crushed the PSG: “The shame of Europe. » Verrati : “A square player. » Messi : “Let him rest somewhere, in Miami, in the sun. » On the Old Port of Marseille, they are in the process of erecting a statue to him, in Riolo.

Finally, the rapper Travis Scott, known to be the ex of Kylie Jenner, allegedly punched a sound engineer in the face and caused $ 12,000 in property damage during a DJ set in a New York club because the technician… accidentally lowered the volume. If you ever bring him a lukewarm burger, you run the risk of him trashing your restaurant.

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