last year californiafaced such a droughtgranted water management todeclare emergency.maity: in new york it is toldwith a new toolline to determine ifpeople are eligible forassistance program forstate child care.low support programcost or no costeven for the undocumented.reporter: find onenew york can take moretime that the sweet awaitssame.what happens is that there is noand it is not enough to leave it.This has been almost online.They have put us on hold.reporter: a programstate will publish informationabout availability of thesecenters and peopleundocumented can alsoapply.some 600 vacancies were openedfor children from low-income familiesrevenue at the municipal level.two person families,two person apartment witha combined income of about$55,000 a year.families of three inan apartment, incometogether about $65,000 a year.reporter: the opening of ásvacancies in childcare arrivesalong with the unexpected arrival oftens of thousands of immigrantsundocumented aa new york,many of them came fromborder which people don’tthey can go to work.reporter: the families recentlyarrivals help provide thesmall business openingTo apply for a seat, you mustcontact therepresentatives from each countyprogram managers